The truth of underwear!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Probably two weeks ago,while having lunch, I was also watching Tyra show. It was about body higiene. There is nothing interesting about as we all know how keep our body clean and sanitise ourselves. But it did catch my attention because the truth is we don't know what we think we know!

I was chocked when it came to talk about underwear.Not to be gross, did you know that in average each day, underwear contains approximately 3000 microgram of germs said by the doctor? Isn't this suprising you? It is shocking me cos usually I wear it more than one day. Lolz. 

Do you believe with this research? I guess it depends on circumstances and conditions where you are in. What about in Cambodia, a developing country where some poor people don't even know what the word hygiene is?  They probably carry tons of germs and they could kill you with their underwear.

So now, if it's getting heavier day by day, then you know :)


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